Anatomy In Motion: The Visible Rider
The Visible Rider Presentation
Peggy Brown has created a visual lesson for all riders. Wearing a custom-painted "skeleton suit," Peggy shows how the rider’s body works in when riding in dynamic balance (balance in motion) with the horse at all gaits, in English and Western riding and in jumping.. This "inside view" shows clearly when the rider is straight, balanced, and using her body well. It’s also easy to see what happens when she demonstrates common riding faults and how they affect the horse and rider. Many riders (and their instructors!) recognize their own habits, and can see how common riding problems can be addressed by understanding how the body works. Seeing is believing!
Riders are athletes; they need to understand and use their bodies well just as any athlete does. Good body alignment, balance, and use of the joints are important keys to riding smoothly, securely, and in harmony with your horse, no matter what type of riding you do. Riders and instructors must be aware of rider anatomy and proper use of the body in order to prevent unnecessary stress, pain and difficulty in riding and training, and to avoid sports injuries which can result from using the body in the wrong way. If you want to ride your best; if you want to ride for your whole life; if you want to ride without pain and stress— you’ll appreciate learning how to use your body better --and your horse will thank you, too!
Peggy Brown is the unique and only Visible Rider, and has been giving Visible Rider demonstrations since l999. A Centered Riding and Centered Driving Instructor/Clinician, she has given presentations by herself and with Susan Harris across North American and from Australia to Europe and Japan. Peggy competes in dressage, jumping, western and versatility competitions and in pleasure driving, carriage driving and combined driving events.

The Visible Rider is also presented as a dismounted lecture/demonstration