The Heart of a Horse – A Tribute to Susan Harris
©Peggy S. Brown 2021 Susan E. Harris departed this world on March 8, 2021. She made her transition with the same quiet, peaceful balance...

What Sally Swift Taught Me
Article on Sally Swift by Susan Harris, EQUUS Magazine, December, 2015 ~ (To read the article, please click on the magazine cover photo.)

Good Movement: Getting the Best From Your Horse by Susan E. Harris
All rights reserved Horses move! Movement is what horses are all about. The horse evolved from the fox-terrier sized Eohippus of 55...

A Horses Tribute to Sally Swift By Peggy Brown
The horses of the world would like to come forth to honor our dear departed friend Sally Swift. A strong New England horsewoman, Sally...

Sally Swift's Lasting Legacy by Susan E. Harris
Sally Swift's Lasting Legacy What I will always remember most about Sally Swift is her kindness, clarity and positive approach to...